The terms and conditions for the use of the OML community website, which includes the download of the OML specification, have changed.
The changes have been made to ensure that it is absolutely clear that OML is provided as a free-to-download and -use specification, and that there is no specific contract or license as such with Mentor Graphics in doing so. The terms now largely reflect the fair use of the website itself.
We have had significant interest in OML since the launch less than two months ago. Machine vendors and end-users have been wanting a standard way in which to represent event data, not only from machines, but from operations around the machines such as material verification and WIP flow control, for a long time. It is great to hear that OML is meeting these needs. Work is now underway to find the right fit for OML as a standard in the industry, as well as connecting to other, broader, higher level IoT standards and addressing interest from other industries who see the same issues with inter-process communication as those we have faced in the electronics world.
Please keep your questions and comments coming!